Vmax dialer is a mobile app compatible with all Android OS smart phones, which enables the users for making VoIP calls from their mobile to anywhere around the world. Calls can be made from data enabled mobile devices with internet connectivity via 3G/Edge/Wifi.
After installing the users need to provide the SIP Username and Password for registering to the app.
★Elegant UI
★Cheap rate
★crystal clear sound quality
★It uses SIP based protocol for Signaling
★It supports all SIP standard switches
★It RUNS behind NAT or private IP
★Unremitting call connection even in low bandwidth areas
★The jitter buffer technology ensures smooth voice during the call
★Integration of native contact book
★The silent suppression and comfort noise generation feature reduces the bandwidth usage
★Auto balance display
★Actual SIP response message display
★User friendly interface
★Recent call history display
★Balance display
★Call duration display
★Features to make the call mute, enable the speaker mode, view the keypad, increase and decrease the media volume, enable the Bluetooth during a call
★24/7 technical assistance +919847708075
VMAX拨号器是一个移动应用程序与所有Android操作系统的智能手机兼容,这使用户从他们的手机进行VoIP通话到世界各地的任何地方。呼叫可以从启用了通过3G / EDGE /无线互联网连接的移动设备的数据作出的。